Online gambling in Singapore is strictly regulated. According to the Remote Gambling Act 2014, online gambling is illegal in Singapore, including online poker, unless the operator is based in Singapore and holds a government license.

Playing games of chance with friends and family at home is generally not considered illegal gambling in Singapore. However, if an apartment or office is used solely for gambling activities, it would violate the Common Gaming Houses Act, and could result in fines and imprisonment.

Non-commercial, in-person gambling in private settings may be legal as long as certain conditions are met, such as participants being friends or family members, the activity not being conducted for business purposes, and participants not receiving any benefits other than winnings.

Public gambling and commercial gambling are strictly prohibited and can result in fines, imprisonment, or both. Social gambling may include activities such as playing mahjong with friends, but it’s important to comply with the laws and regulations regarding gambling in Singapore.

Awareness of the laws and regulations around gambling in Singapore is crucial to ensure that gambling activities are conducted in authorized areas. Visit the Singapore Legal Advice website for more information about gambling laws in Singapore.